About Us
We are a group of friends bonded by the belief, that our well-being is ensured by the well-being of society. So, we take it as our primary responsibility to put all possible efforts into the welfare of our society apart from our day-to-day tidings. We wish to contribute in our way to enrich society in various areas like Education, Healthcare, Environment, and Youth Empowerment. We also wish to work towards protecting our Rich Heritage and Culture, while spreading core humane values of our culture to strive for the well-being of all. We believe in the eternal ethos of 'Sarve Sujana Sukhinobhavanthu.’
Transparency is one of our uncompromising principles and we will be of utmost sincerity regarding the way, funds are spent on various activities. We have set up a few parameters regarding fundraising, we only take funds from the members of the group who voluntarily come forward to support this humanitarian cause. Sulakshya since its inception doesn’t run fundraising campaigns nor collaborates with any other organisation.
Sulakshya Seva Samithi is registered with the Government of Andhra Pradesh under the AP Societies Registration Act. 2001 and the registration number is 917/2013.
To work towards a more equitable society where the basic needs of all people are met, and everyone develops a responsible attitude towards society.
We are committed to reaching out to more people and empowering them to make a transformative impact on their lives and cultural livelihoods. We aspire to continue our philosophical work by educating, empowering, and enlightening the lives of many pillars of society in the future.
About Our Logo

The three S's in tricolour in the form of an unfurled flag represent the name of our organisation "Sulakshya Seva Samithi" and represent the colours in the Indian National Flag. 'Sulakshya' is the name of the organisation. Sulakshya is a combination of two words 'Su' which means Good & 'Lakshya' for goal, which sums as a Noble Goal for which we are relentlessly striving. The four pictures in the logo represent our four core objectives Education, Youth empowerment, Protecting Environment & Healthcare respectively. We have used tricolour in most parts of our logo which conveys Indianness. The organization will also stand by each of the values represented by the three different colours. The eleven-member human chain at the bottom represents teamwork. We have specifically chosen eleven because Cricket is like a religion in India & a Cricket team comprises eleven members. As we play as a team in this game, we will work as a real team in the organization.
About our objectives
EDUCATION FOR ALL - Making parents and citizens aware of the Importance and Need of Education and Seeing to it that Every child goes to school. We will motivate parents and students to go to school & continue their education further. We will also support them with books, stationery etc in the best possible way we can.
HEALTH CARE - As the adage goes, Health is wealth. The majority of the poor in the country spends a lot of money on their health and that affects their savings. We wish to educate people on simple but effective methods to keep themselves healthy and educate them on the various Government policies available.
PROTECTING ENVIRONMENT - We will try to protect the environment by creating awareness among the citizens about eco-friendly measures. Planting trees, fighting for plastic bans etc are part of this.
EMPOWERING YOUTH - Youth is the cornerstone of this country. Any change in the country is possible only with the active participation of young people. We will motivate young people to take up social causes and ingrain a sense of social responsibility in them. We will also equip them to stand up on their own by educating them about various opportunities available.
PROVIDING BASIC NEEDS - Many people in our country are not able to meet their basic needs for food clothing and shelter. With whatever we have, we will try to reduce the hunger of at least a few. We will give clothes to those who badly need them and join them in well-established organisations if they are homeless.
SPREADING LOVE& AFFECTION - Not everyone needs financial support. Moral support is all that some people need. A warm hug, a gentle touch, and a gesture of togetherness are what make their lives happier. We will spend time with people in such need and spread the message of love and affection.
DIGNITY OF LABOUR - Dignity of labour is not only about respecting different jobs that people do, but also about trying to understand the importance of each such job in building society. As a country, we are yet to imbibe this principle. We will spread the message to shed the attitude of looking down upon certain jobs as 'menial.' We will take up activities that are considered menial to highlight the importance of each of these jobs like sweeping the streets etc.
PROTECTING INDIAN HERITAGE & CULTURE- It is every citizen's responsibility to protect our rich heritage and culture. It is also our responsibility to see that our precious heritage is transferred to the next generation. We shall try to create awareness in this aspect.
PROMOTING GOOD GOVERNANCE- Good governance is possible only when people acquire the strength to question when things go wrong. We will educate people about the importance of voting, choosing the right candidate and being a part of the Governance process.
TRANSFORMING RURAL INDIA- The difference between the two different Indias is more vividly visible than ever. And as Gandhiji said, Villages are where India lives. We will help people from rural areas by using the latest technology and resources so that they can improve their livelihood. We will also work with Handloom weavers & those involved in Handicrafts. With the support of the burgeoning e-commerce market across the world, we will showcase and market the products of these traditional crafts so that they get their due and lead better lives.
Our Deeds
Apart from the hundreds of events from 2008 – 2013, We have been carrying out various philanthropic activities since our inception in 2013.
As part of our objective ‘Education for all', we have been aiding Government Schools by providing them with the required infrastructure, and distributing School Uniforms, Play Items, Books & Other stationery needs. Intending to promote reading habits, we have been setting up Libraries at various underprivileged homes. We also have been assisting financially meritorious students.
As part of our objective ‘Health care’, we have been conducting awareness sessions to educate the citizens on the importance of keeping oneself healthy. We have also launched a new initiative ‘Sulakshya Swasthya Sena’ to educate citizens on the ill effects of Alcohol, Drugs& Tobacco.
As part of our objective ‘Protecting Environment’, we have been planting & nurturing saplings in Government Schools & Public Places. We have also been creating awareness of the adverse effects of Plastic usage & distributing Clay Ganesh Idols.
As part of our objective of ‘Empowering youth', we have been organizing awareness sessions & motivational talks on various topics such as Career Guidance, Stress Management, and Cracking Competitive Examinations at schools & colleges.
As part of our objective of ‘Providing basic needs', we have been distributing Groceries & Other Stationary Needs to underprivileged homes. We have also been distributing Blankets to the Homeless & Poor intending to gift them warmth and needed comfort and protection during the winter season.
As part of our objective ‘Spreading love & affection’, we have been taking out underprivileged children to movies, recreational trips, amusement parks, restaurants, ice cream parlours, science centres etc. We are also conducting programs such as music concerts, mimicry shows, and spiritual discourses to bring cheer into the lives of those abandoned elderly.
As part of our objective ‘Dignity of labour’, we have been felicitating municipal sanitation workers, while spreading the message to shed down the attitude of looking down upon certain jobs as menial. We also have been felicitating unsung heroes intending to give them the deserved recognition.
As part of our objective ‘Promoting good governance’, we have been conducting awareness sessions on RTI, voting, consumer rights, citizen rights & other contemporary issues.
As part of our objective ‘Protecting Indian Heritage & Culture’, we have been taking children to various historical places & heritage sites to transfer our rich cultural heritage to the next generations.
As part of our objective ‘Transforming Rural India’, we have been organizing programs to educate & help the people living in rural areas on organic farming, handicrafts & handlooms.
We have also carried out ‘Covid Relief Activities’ on a large scale, distributing dry rations, and vegetable kits to thousands of poor & needy families. SafEnergy kits to the frontline warriors, migrant refreshment kits & arrangement of transportation for migrants walking hundreds of miles to reach their native places. Thousands of masks & sanitisers to those in a need had been distributed during the lockdown period of the pandemic Covid-19.
We have been celebrating important occasions & festivals with the residents of various underprivileged homes & public places as well.
Our sincere gratitude
We are deeply grateful for the testimonials from distinguished personalities from various fields of life, the blessings of the elderly destitute, and the joy on the faces of underprivileged children. The unwavering trust of our donors and the unparalleled support from family, friends, and well-wishers, along with the endless encouragement from the media fraternity, have been the driving force behind our success at Sulakshya Seva Samithi. Without all of you, our achievements would not have been possible. We are not only grateful for your support, but we also treasure every moment we have spent with you on our journey over the past decade. We hope to receive the same kind of support from you in our future endeavours. With great respect, we invoke the spirit of Bharath, which is embodied in the saying "Loka Samastha Sukhinobhanvanthu."